DockVision Overview

DockVision houses all of the algorithms you need and all of the tools you want within one easy-to-use graphical interface. Working scientists wrote the program, tailoring it to suit the specific needs of those specializing in ligand - protein interaction. Working scientists use the program, and applaud both DockVision's interface and DockVision's results.

DockVision incorporates all of the following elements.
Click on the link to get a full description of the feature.

DockVision's Graphical User Interface(GUI)

DockVision's GUI is easy to master.
The most time-consuming aspect of incorporating a new application into a lab structure is the time required to learn how to use the new software. With DockVision, this time is reduced significantly.

DockVision's efficacious Graphical User Interface guides you effortlessly through docking simulations, drastically decreasing your learning curve and immediately increasing your productivity.

DockVision's GUI is easy to work with.
DockVision automates all the tedious, time-consuming charge assignment and grid generation steps, while conferring you with absolute control of all operations at all times. DockVision's Tools enable you to interact with your data while your plot is in progress, enhancing your ability to multitask without the need to juggle.

For a closer look at the DockVision GUI, take the DockVision Tour.

Easy to learn, easy to use : DockVision lets you concentrate on results.

DockVision Algorithms

Other docking programs cannot offer you the innovative multi-algorithmic approach that is incorporated into DockVision.
You not only have access to the Monte Carlo docking engine, but also to the new Genetic Algorithm docking engine. For ligand database screening, ReSearch DataBase has proven an indispensible tool to users.

DockVision Algorithm : Research

The Research docking algorithm follows the Monte Carlo method. Ligand positions near the active site are randomly generated and optimized successively with a random procedure, allowing for increases and decreases in interaction energy with the protein. This procedure is repeated many times, finally achieving a full sampling of possibilities for the binding site.

DockVision Algorithm : Gamma

Gamma is the second phase docking algorithm in DockVision. It is based upon the Genetic Algorithm evolutionary computing method. First, alternative ligand positions and conformations are generated, forming an initial population of solutions. The initial population is then evolved, meaning that only the "most fit" or lowest energy ligand positions survive into the next generation. Then, new "individuals" or ligand states are generated through mutation and crossover. With each successive generation, "more evolved" or lower energy ligand positions are produced, thereby finally achieving the "most evolved" or lowest energy binding modes.

DockVision Algorithm : ReSearch DataBase

ReSearch DataBase is specifically designed to enable you to quickly and effectively screen large ligand databases for possible fits.

DockVision Real Time Analysis Tools

DockVision also includes a wide variety of Real Time analysis tools in its interface. The Tools allow you to interact with your data, even while the program is contemplating your plot. This means that you are able to request and view RMS, energy histograms, and statistics with your docking run in progress.
Click on this image to get a full screen view of an energy histogram generated by DockVision

Click on this image to get a full screen view of the statistics generated by DockVision during a docking run.

Click on this image to get a full screen view of an RMS deviation screen capture.

DockVision enables you to work more effectively and more readily with your data. Not only will this increase your productivity, it will also enhance your ability to multitask and eliminate the time you might have spent waiting for results.

DockVision DockCam

DockVision has recognized the need for a multi-faceted approach to the docking problem. DockCam 3D provides you with a three-dimensional wire-frame representation of the active site, allowing you to inspect your dock visually. DockCam gives you the ability to examine dockings, check conformers, and view protein-ligand contacts.
With the fully integrated DockCam 3D viewer tool, you have an immediate view into your active site.
Following is an image generated by DockCam 3D.

DockCam gives you accurate, visually comprehensible, colour-coded 3D images of your active sites. This will not only facilitate your research, but enhance your presentations and papers as well.
Visit the DockVision Gallery to see docking shots captured using Grasp
Copyright© 1998 DockVision Inc. All rights reserved. Last Updated May 8, 1998